Let’s chat.

I love a project. Got something in mind? Use the form to send me a note, or email me at jaz@averagegood.co.uk and let’s have creative fun.

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Visit me at my studio.
Average Gallery
167a High Street

Text me.
07840 440 406


What I can offer.


Illustration Work.

Art Commissions.


Workshop Types.


Spray Painting.

Shake it up - literally - and get your spray on in this 101.


Phone Photography.

Learn the need-to-know techniques on how to capture the best image using your phone.


DIY Art Packs.

Take ‘em home and create like crazy. Different packs for different personalities, grab a few and share.


Look at traditional and non-traditional mark making and colour.


Phone Videography.

Get the most out of your phone and capture quality video to rival a complicated DSLR setup.


Seasonal Sessions.

Special one-off workshops, including design your own mini skateboard.

Mixed Bag.

Play with layering and use both spray and acrylic paints to create.


SLR / DSLR Basics.

You’ve got a camera - now what? Learn what your camera does and how to use it.


Community Projects.

Whatever fun ways we can get involved with bringing a group of people together to create.

Multi Pack.

Five weeks on learning techniques, playing with ideas and having fun.



Theory can feel stuffy. Let’s look at new influences and ideas together (and maybe some old ones too).


Murals / Installations.

Large or small scale, enjoy the challenges of painting outside and on a vertical surface.

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Serious stuff, made fun.

Bring your written copy to life with fun, easily accessible illustrations designed by me for your custom projects. Whether it be for print, web, tshirts, stickers, life sized cutouts, murals - you name it, I can draw it.