HELM Mural Project

Please check out some images of the projects Jen and Myself mentioned in our interview, as well as links to see more or read more.

My PORTFOLIO page has a big selection of work, as well as more info and insights in to how those projects came about or were facilitated.

Thanks so much for considering us for this role, we are very excited at the opportunity and hope we get the chance to create something amazing with the young people your organisation works with and helps in Dundee.

Jaz and Jen

  • Backdrop - Theatre Production

    This was the project that I listened and engaged with all the theatre games and then took all of the stories they had shared and talked about and designed a giant ‘colouring in book’ for the play. The Veterans helped me fill this in and loved to see what was in their heads come to life.

    This had a purposeful mixed style of playful cartoon and colouring inside the lines, as well as blended colour behind in the background.

  • Medium Mural - Gum Trees

    This was a fun piece I threw up one evening on the outside wall of my studio in Auchterarder. I played with the idea of ‘Gum’ trees (and Australian tree / Eucalyptus) and bright pink bubble gum. I wanted to make it fun as the Girl Guide hut is situated behind my studio there and many people pass it every day.

    It was a tricky wall to get detail on to as it was heavily pebbled, but I am very happy with what was achieved. It’s hard to show it properly on a screen but in person you can see details both from a far and close.

  • Jacaranda Festival Posters / Tshirts

    ThI’ve included this here to try and show how I can keep things fun whilst also making a design refined and hit a brief. I was the inaugrual feature artist for the Grafton Jacaranda Festival and created two limited edition designs that were then featured as tshirts, posters, and all sorts for the festival.

    I also created the name and design for a purple beer for this event, which went down a treat…!

  • My own work / quick throw ups under the bridge

    I regularly throw up pieces around the place in my own style of my own work. This has helped me understand the required etiquette when working on the street, as well as seeing the realities of how things wear both physically within the environment, as well as how it continues to be viewed by the public.

  • Creative Veterans Community Mural

    This was one day prep, two days paint. The group called “Creative Veterans’ got a small amount of funding to work with myself to create a bright, community minded and engaging mural.

    The point of this was to give representation to Veterans and Ex Service People and their families within the community in two ways - by the mural left behind, and the paint days in which actual members of the community of all ages joined in and painted the mural with the veterans themselves.

    Some of this was thought out ahead of time, but this project really called for spontaneity and for me to be able to take the ideas of the public right there and then and incorporate them affectively in to the mural, keeping with the theme.

  • From small idea to big art

    I’ve included this pic to show how we can transform small ideas in to something big, bold, clean, and with plenty of WOW factor.

  • Dundee Primary School Mural

    This project involved spending a whole week in the school, working every day doing workshops and engaging with every student and staff member to generate ideas and also help paint a giant 3x walled mural that spans around the entire playground (and can now even be seen from the road at the top of the hill…!).

    For this project I both copied students design accurately on to the wall, as well as took collective ideas and refined these and added them in a way that reflected the way the students perceived them (local stories and buildings).

    This mural had to work visually from a distance, but also keep the students engaged and interested from a very close range. This means that the mural itself is LOADED with details and little hidden things so that they can notice something different each time they go outside and play.

    I also incorporated some chalkboard spaces in to this design as the kids were previously playing with chalk on the wall and I wanted to make sure that this didn’t hinder their creative flow.

  • Illustration Work

    I’ve included this to give another example of how I like to keep things fun, and therefor accessible, as well as legible and refined.

    You can click through and see a few quick examples of a few illustration of design projects I’ve been a part of.