Chalk The Line - Group Exhibition - Grafton Regional Gallery

24th OCTOBER - 20th DECEMBER 2019


"Chalk the Line is inspired by the words of the late Johnny Cash and the history of chalk lines. This exhibition features wall drawings and recent work by a selection of  Clarence Valley artists.

The chalk line has assisted builders in various cultures since the times of ancient Egypt. Each artist brings their own take on the humble line in this vibrant transformation of the Main Gallery.

As part of the project there will be an interactive space, where gallery visitors can add and create their own chalk wall drawing." 

- Grafton Regional Gallery

As part of the 'Chalk the Line' installation I created the giant sized sticker book like I had when I was a kid, with a basic background and endless ways to arrange and rearrange the scene.

Jaz Grady, Roll Session Interactive Slap up, mixed media, 2019.

The ongoing engagement with my main piece was even better than I could have hoped.


‘Burn Free’ - Response to the Australian Bushfires


Feature Artist - 85th Jacaranda Festival